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Vitraag Diamond is committed to using all reasonable endeavors to conduct its business operations in accordance with the highest ethical standards and Best Practice Principles of the industry, as initiated and enforced by the Diamond Trading Company.

As such, Vitraag BVBA Diamond will use its best endeavors to ensure the commitment of its contractors, sub-contractors and associated entities to comply with the company’s policies throughout the supply chain. As DTC, Alrosa & Argyle stakeholders for Rough Diamonds, we are committed to the standards of both organizations and as such are subject to guarantee our compliance.

VITRAAG BVBA Diamond is committed to combat conflict Diamonds, and accordingly has committed itself to comply with the rules and regulations of the Kimberley Process and all the requirements of the World Diamond Council. Not only do we guarantee the ethical provenance of our stones throughout the supply chain, we also disclose all material facts and information about our diamonds, at all times whether or not specifically requested and regardless of the impact on the value of the diamond.